Monadenium ritchiei
Plant Information:
Botanical Name: Monadenium ritchiei
Common Name: Monadenium Succulent
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Origin: Kenya, E Africa
Type: Tropical Color
Size: 12"h x 12"w
Exposure: Sun
Butterflies: No
Hummingbirds: No
Container Size:
A few of our employees jokingly refer to this succulent as the Jabba The Hutt plant because of its stubby thickened stems. It is native to Kenya and east Africa, although we haven’t encountered it in the wild on our plant collecting trips there. Occasionally, at the ends of its knobby and squatty stems, it will put forth small leaves along with gorgeous bright pink flowers. We’ve grown this plant since 2012 and not had any skin reaction issues but some people may have a reaction if they get sap from a cut stem on their skin. So don’t let children or pets chew on it. Monadenium Succulent is somewhat threatened in the wild due to habitat destruction.