
Argyreia nervosa

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Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Argyreia nervosa

Common Name: Wooly Morning Glory

Family: Convolvulaceae

Origin: India, Bangladesh

Type: Tropical Vine

Size: 10-11'

Exposure: Sun


Butterflies: No

Hummingbirds: No

Container Size: Large Pot Band

Looking more like the vine in Jack-and-the-Beanstalk, than its relatives, the Ipomoeas (Morning Glories), this plant definitely gets noticed in the garden. Wooly Morning glory flowers in late summer and fall with large clusters of pale pink blooms but the reason I grow it is for its leaves and stems. Native to India and Bangladesh, this twining climber sports heart-shaped leaves nearly a foot broad and downy-white on the undersides. The new shoots and thick stems exhibit this pearly sheen as well.