
Helianthus mollis

In-Store Only

Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Helianthus mollis

Common Name: Ashy Sunflower



Type: Native Perennial

Size: 36"h x 60"w

Exposure: Sun to Light Shade


Butterflies: Yes

Hummingbirds: No

Container Size: Large Pot Band

I?ve always been fascinated with Ashy Sunflowers. I like seeing its patches of contrasting silvery leaves among green prairie grasses and other forbs in summer. It will create a patch because it forms colonies by slow spreading rhizomes. From July-September its silvery foliage is topped with attractive 4? bright golden sunflowers with darker centers. This native perennial is a great choice for wildflower meadows and butterfly habitat gardens It is easy to grow in dry soil whether it be sand, clay or rock. Ashy Sunflower survives on the prairie in part because its root system exudes allelopathic chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants that might try to take it over. This plant recognized by pollination eclogites as attracting a large number of native bee species.