
Heliotropium sp.

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Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Heliotropium sp.

Common Name: Ecuadorian Heliotrope

Family: Boraginaceae


Type: Tropical Color

Size: 18"h x 18"w

Exposure: Sun


Butterflies: Yes

Hummingbirds: No

Container Size: Large Pot Band

Recently collected from the west slope of the Andes in southwestern Ecuador, this Heliotrope is so new the species is not yet identified. We love its huge inflorescences of white butterfly attracting flowers. The blooms, which look octopus-like in bud, are arranged in what botanists call scorpiod cymes. As the structure unfurls, the newly opened flowers are positioned platform-like for landing pollinators. There is not a lot of information yet available on this plant and it’s possible it may contain a bit of toxicity. A good idea would be to keep it away from children, pets and anything else that likes chewing on plant parts.