Ruschia pulvinaris
Plant Information:
Botanical Name: Ruschia pulvinaris
Common Name: Shrubs/Treesby Ice Plant
Type: Perennial
Size: 6" x 18"
Exposure: Sun
Zones: Zone 6-10
Butterflies: No
Hummingbirds: No
Container Size: Large Pot Band
I wish I could say Shrubby Ice Plant is a cold hardy perennial but in fact it is probably best described as a half-hardy perennial. Planted in a hot sunny spot with good drainage, somewhat protected and kept dry it will reward you with an amazing display of blooms. Its fuchsia-pink flowers completely cover this succulent in late spring. Shrubby Ice Plant is easy to care for, it just has to have a specific location. Try it in a raised bed on the south-facing side of a building or wall and hold back on the water.