
Salvia chamaedryoides

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Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Salvia chamaedryoides

Common Name: Germader Sage

Family: Lamiaceae

Origin: Mexico

Type: Perennial

Size: 11"h x 18"w

Exposure: Sun

Zones: Zone 7-10

Butterflies: Yes

Hummingbirds: Yes

Container Size: Large Pot Band

The flowers of Germander Sage are so intensely dark blue, that even when there’s only a few present, they really show up. These hummingbird attracting blooms are set off against the plant’s small gray-green leaves. A rather small plant, it’s perfect for a rock garden or the front of a sunny raised bed. This Mexican native needs good drainage and shouldn’t be crowded or over watered. Its best bloom is in spring and fall but also flowers intermittently through summer.