
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

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Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

Common Name: Coralberry

Family: Asteraceae


Type: Native Shrub

Size: 36" x spreading

Exposure: Sun, Partial Shade

Zones: Zone 2-9

Butterflies: No

Hummingbirds: No

Container Size: Large Pot Band

A low growing native deciduous shrub, this plant is called by several names. Coralberry is the name we use but it is also known as Indian Currant and Buckbrush. It is as tough as nails and grows equally well in sun or shade. It will colonize a little, but it is easy to keep in check. Coralberry is grown for its short height and for the coral-pink to purple berries that come on in the fall and persist through most of the winter. The flowers aren’t really noticeable but do provide nectar for pollinators and its fruit is a great source of food for birds. Not edible for people though as the fruit can cause a stomachache. Coralberry can be cut back hard about every 5 years for a tidy look. This plant is sometimes used for erosion control on slopes.