
Stenosiphon linifolius

In-Store Only

Plant Information:

Botanical Name:  Stenosiphon linifolius

Common Name: False Guara

Family: Onograceae


Type: Native Biennial/Perennial

Size: 48"h x 36"w

Exposure: Sun

Zones: Zone 4-10

Butterflies: No

Hummingbirds: No

Container Size: Large Pot Band

I’ve long admired False Guara int eh late summer landscape but only recently thought more of using it in garden settings. It is a tough and rugged native plant but has an element of grace. Many people love its frothy white bloom spikes. False Guara would be an excellent candidate for cottage gardens, pollinator plantings or perennial borders. A tall see-through plant, it can be used at the front or back of groupings. When Smithsonian Horticulturist, Janet Draper visited our nursery in 2019, False Guara was one of our prairie plants she fell in love with. Found mostly on limestone soil from TX to SD, it drops its leaves during extreme drought but photosynthesizes with its green stems. Expect a rosette of leaves the first year and long stems with flowers in late summer and fall the second year.